ASB Clever Kash

In a cashless society how can we help kids to understand money, when they cant see it?Clever Kash is the worlds first digital cashless moneybox designed to teach kids about money. It connects with the bank’s mobile banking app seamlessly, allowing kids to “swipe” coins into the little yellow elephant. In two years it went from interesting concept to central brand piece from one of the country’s biggest banks - and is in the homes of more than 200,000 New Zealanders.

Braggy bit…It won Cyber Gold at Cannes, a D&AD Yellow Pencil and Wood Pencil, a Webby Award and a truck load of others.

Clever Kash has now been licensed to Bank of Changsha, China, a bank with 11 million customers. They call it “Happy Elephant”.
He’s not only taught thousands the value of money, he’s also paid for himself!
Now that’s pretty clever, right?

Discipline: Product Design, Strategy, Creative Development, Production, Direct, PR, Experience Design, Design, Packaging, Social
Channels: Product, TV, OLV, AV, Digital, Social, Website, OOH, Responsive OOH, Branch, EDM, PR, Schools Programme